Roman Berkhan
Conscious Coach

From early childhood, Roman's passion for sports was evident. His dedication to understanding every aspect of competition led him to explore numerous sports, complementing his training with film analysis and a deep dive into the techniques of each discipline. At 15, Roman discovered CrossFit, which soon became the cornerstone of his athletic and coaching career.

Roman quickly progressed, earning his CrossFit Level 1 certification at just 16 and surrounding himself with elite coaches from various specialties. He continued to hone his skills within the OPEX community from the age of 17, balancing his dual roles as an athlete and coach, and later earning a Bachelor's degree in Clinical Exercise Science. This academic and practical foundation allows Roman to contribute significantly to health and exercise research.

Professional Skills

Roman specializes in coaching individuals aiming to excel in CrossFit competitions and those pursuing a coaching path themselves. His approach is tailored to athletes who see fitness as more than training—it’s a personal quest for excellence.

Ideal Client Profile

Roman's ideal client includes individuals who are deeply committed to excelling in CrossFit competitions or pursuing a career in fitness coaching. He is particularly effective with those who approach fitness as a serious personal and professional endeavor, valuing dedicated, systematic training to achieve excellence in the sport of fitness.


    - Bachelor of Science in Clinical Exercise Science

    - OPEX Level 1 and Mixed Modal

    - CrossFit Level 1

    - EXOS: Advanced Strength and Power, Fitness Specialist Course

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