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For real stories, insights and updates, follow us at @proof3SaltRiver to check out our first gym in Scottsdale,
and follow @proof3coaching to check out our online coaches and clients.

Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We’ve got answers. Explore our FAQ section to find quick and helpful responses to themost common inquiries about our services and products.

How will I connect with my coach?

We use the intuitive CoachRX app to deliver training and communicate with our clients. CoachRX will allow you to log current results and keep up with past progress to see how far you’ve come.  You can view form instruction videos within the workout, provide comments and feedback on your workouts for your coach to see, and direct message your coach.

How many workouts will I get each week and for how long?

Given that this is a personalized service, this is completely tailored to you – your lifestyle, schedule, goals, and needs. You and your coach will agree upon training frequency and duration to set yourself up for success!

What equipment do I need?

We will work with whatever you have available! We’ve worked with clients with no equipment and clients that had fully stocked home gyms and everything in between.

What does the nutrition look like?

We are focused on several different factors when it comes to nutrition – quality of food, quantity of food, lifestyle guidelines, and other important topics such as meal balance, meal timing, and supplementation. Our clients range all along the spectrum from high attention-to-detail food logging all the way to more intuitive eating. We have tools and resources for everyone and will meet you where you’re at!

What if I don't have a lot of experience working out?

No stress! We work with clients with many different backgrounds and goals. Some want to change their body composition, others want to compete in a local event, and others just want to feel good training and get their first pull-up (and then another!). No matter what your interests are, your coach will design a plan for you to reach them.

How often will I communicate with my coach?

You have the ability to reach out to your coach at any time via CoachRX's messaging platform. You can also provide comments/feedback on each workout, send in videos for technique feedback, and log your results for each workout or a day’s worth of nutrition (which your coach will be monitoring to keep up with your progress). You will also receive a weekly check-in message from your coach, and you’ll have a 30-minute Zoom consultation each month which is a great time to dive deeper into your specific program.